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Ceramic Bearings

BORET ceramic bearings are divided into Full Ceramic Bearings-Inner/outer races and balls are made of either Silicon Nitride (Si3N4), Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) or Silicon carbide (SiC)-And Hybrid Ceramic Bearings-with only the roller elements made of ceramic…

Product Description

BORET ceramic bearings are divided into Full Ceramic Bearings-Inner/outer races and balls are made of either Silicon Nitride (Si3N4), Zirconium Oxide (ZrO2) or Silicon carbide (SiC)-And Hybrid Ceramic Bearings-with only the roller elements made of ceramic.

Ceramic Bearings are highly heat resistant,enabling a rolling bearing ro be practical in high temperarure environment, The low dendity of ceramic decreases the cenrtrifugal force induced by rolling elements, contrubuting to an increased speed of the apparatus.

Ceramic Bearings are available in deep groove ball bearings, angular bearing, thrust bearing, pillow block bearing, needle bearing and roller bearings.

Ceramic Bearing Applications:

Ceramic hybrid bearings are widely used in electric motors, aerospace applications, performance racing vehicles, laboratory equipment, under water applications and more. Any application that requires higher speeds, lower friction and longer life are ideal for ceramic hybrid bearings.

Ceramic Deep Groove Ball Bearings
6000CE 6201CE 6300CE 6403CE 6700CE 6800CE 605CE
6001CE 6202CE 6301CE 6404CE 6701CE 6801CE 606CE
6002CE 6203CE 6302CE 6405CE 6702CE 6802CE 607CE
6003CE 6204CE 6303CE 6406CE 6703CE 6803CE 608CE
6004CE 6205CE 6304CE 6407CE 6704CE 6804CE 609CE
6005CE 6206CE 6305CE 6408CE 6705CE 6805CE 623CE
6006CE 6207CE 6306CE 6409CE 6706CE 6806CE 624CE
6007CE 6208CE 6307CE 6410CE 6707CE 6807CE 625CE
6008CE 6209CE 6308CE 6411CE 6708CE 6808CE 626CE
6009CE 6210CE 6309CE 6412CE 6709CE 6809CE 628CE
6010CE 6211CE 6310CE 6413CE 6710CE 6810CE 629CE
6011CE 6212CE 6311CE 6414CE 6711CE 6811CE 634CE
6012CE 6213CE 6312CE 6415CE 6812CE 635CE
6013CE 6214CE 6313CE 6416CE 6813CE 638CE
6014CE 6215CE 6314CE 6417CE 6814CE
6015CE 6216CE 6315CE 6418CE 6815CE
6016CE 6217CE 6316CE 6419CE 6816CE
6017CE 6218CE 6317CE 6422CE 6817CE
6018CE 6219CE 6318CE 6426CE 6818CE
6019CE 6220CE 6319CE 6819CE
6020CE 6221CE 6320CE 6820CE
6021CE 6222CE 6321CE 6821CE
6022CE 6224CE 6322CE 6822CE
6024CE 6225CE 6324CE 6824CE
6026CE 6226CE 6326CE 6826CE
6028CE 6228CE 6328CE
6030CE 6230CE 6330CE
6032CE 6232CE 6332CE
6234CE 6334CE
6236CE 6336CE
6238CE 6338CE
6240CE 6340CE

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